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Learn what makes the ultimate platform for small businesses and non-profits to host RVers. This video shows you it all!

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Rob and Kurt, Founders of

Meet the Founders

When we built, we built it from our unique perspective. Both of us are lifetime small business owners, as well as lifetime RVers. We could see both sides of the equation and wanted to build a program that works for everyone. The Win/Win relationship that our program creates is exactly what we want for both communities.

Featured In

  • “launched with the intention of helping small businesses find new customers and increase sales by connecting them with RVers across the United States”

  • "The platform offers a novel opportunity for small businesses to welcome new customers."

  • "Offers a variety of host locations, including farms, attractions, wineries, breweries, distilleries, museums, non-profits, animal rescues, and even a category for roadside BBQ restaurants."

  • “As an online platform, focuses on offering a creative, resourceful and strategic approach for small business owners to reach customers outside their normal driving range. "

We Make It Easy

Simple and Easy Hosting Dashboard

What Makes Us Different?

Why Host on RVOvernights?

There are other programs out there, but we are different. We’re glad you asked, here’s why!

  • We have tried to focus on the part of the program that makes it worth it for you as a host. We built a very simple and easy-to-manage marketplace for our hosts. You can upload any product, tour, tasting, service, or experience you would like to promote. Those items will show on your host profile on They also populate as items to purchase when our members go to request a stay with you. When they request their stay, they are prompted with all your items to purchase. They can commit to purchase upon arrival or fully purchase via Venmo or Paypal. 100% of these sales dollars go to you, we do not take any cut.

  • When a member's stay is completed, we prompt them for a review. It's at this time, we also present a link to your Venmo or PayPal and suggest a tip for your hospitality. All of these tips go 100% to you and your team for their hard work.

  • Our platform lets you list not only how many parking spaces you offer, but you can enter a title or description for each one. You can use this to specify view, parking surface, length, or if you offer any types of services like electric outlets.

  • We built a secure check-in for the members and hosts. The member gets a unique QR code for every approved stay. When they arrive, anyone from your team can use a smartphone camera to scan it. Upon being scanned, it checks in the guest on our platform and provides you the host with their name, arrival date, phone number, member information, and any purchases that they have made or committed to.

  • We know some of our hosts are not available annually. Some are seasonal, so we made it easy to not only block dates in advance but check a box to make it so it reoccurs every year. So if you do not accept guests every year January-March, then you only have to enter that date block once. You can always edit it as well.

  • We want you to be able to advertise all you have to offer. We have more host categories, more amenity options, and more filters than any other platform. Members can even search based on check-in time so that the expectation is always correct.

  • We have taken inspiration from one of the best host-to-member platforms in existence and built our review system so it is easy and fair. When a member requests a stay, you will have a messenger/chat started so you can talk about the stay. When the stay is completed, both the host and member get a prompt right in that same messenger window to rate their experience. Simply select 1-5 stars and type optional text, that's it! The best part, only once both parties submit their review can either one view them. This ensures fair and honest reviews.

  • We know working in a small business you are busy. We also know this is one small part of your entire business. We want our members to respect that as well. On your host profile and in our messenger, we have built-in estimated average response times. This sets the expectations for members as to your average time to answer, ensuring fewer phone calls and follow-ups.

  • Last-minute cancellations and no-shows take away from the benefits of a program like ours. We want you to have as much information and support as possible. When you get a stay request from a guest, you can easily review their previous reviews from other hosts, but you can also view their misrate. Their misrate is the percentage of stays they cancel or miss entirely. This will help you in making a decision about hosting each guest.

  • Again, we know cancellations and no-shows are a problem. We have built-in automation to follow member activity. For any member who cancels within 24 hours or no-shows a stay request will be reviewed every time and a warning will be sent. After three of these incidents, we review the member account to determine if they will remain in the program.

See our Host Onboarding before you sign up:

Check out how quick and easy it is to setup your profile on

Use our Host Marketplace

Increase Your Sales Using Our Host Marketplace

 Hosting FAQs

  • Absolutely not! Our members pay a small fee to have access to our technology and find your business as a hosting location. Our Hosts do not and never will pay to be on our platform.

  • You can leave hosting at any time, although we doubt you will want to!

  • Nope! Our program is based on something called “Boondocking” or “Dry Camping”. There are no connections, hookups, or expectations of any from our members. If you have ever seen an RV or Camper in a rest stop, Walmart, or Cracker Barrel, its the same concept.

  • We advertise your business on our site of members looking for a local spot to park for the evening. In exchange our members make purchases at your location. Many of our hosts see purchases of $60 or more per stay!

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Easily Manage Your Location, Parking Spaces, Block Dates, and Add Outside Bookings

Hosts Comprise All Kinds of Businesses